Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Bad Updates

Happy Holiday for Everyone!!!

    Work has been hectic, and definitely got much more weather phenomenon saved up in my Google drive.  I just need more time to summarize them and put a few of them up.

I could give a little preview:

1.  Parameters for Southern Alberta Gap Wind / Down slope wind event.
2.  Lake convergence lake effect snow to western side of Lake Ontario for Dec 25th and Dec 31st 2013. With two cents from myself and another co-worker (Chris Fischer) of mine. Possible application for other areas as well with this pattern.
3.  Siberian Express and discussion of arctic vortices
4.  Icestorm in Southern Ontario, a type of pattern to watch out in the future
5.  Common model parameterization errors for BC and AB that I have encountered.

And more.

I will compile them all after this busy holiday season
