Wednesday, December 18, 2013

November Discussion

November Climate Recap:

Some of the notable summary are:

  • The average temperature over global land and ocean surface for November 2013 broke the record of 134-year period of record at 0.78 above the 20th century average of 12.9C
  • Land surface temperature was 1.43 C above 20th century average of 5.9C, the second highest November on record, behind 2013. 
  • Ocean temperature was 0.54 C above 20th century average tying with 2009 and 2012 as 4th warmest September to November on record.

Overall November pattern, which I have kept in tap throughout the month for 500mb is as below:

NAO (North Atlantic Oscillation) Index:

NAO switched to quick positive forced Greenland surface arctic air to pool over NW Greenland quite healthily. With this feature, I noticed the arctic vortex was spinning over Kara Sea started to become unstable at times and tend to reform over Canadian arctic due to "Thermal Kelvin Wave" was sending into upper atmosphere which was induced by stronger baroclinicity over Northern part of Green Land into Hudson Bay compare with rest of the arctic area (Lower than normal arctic air vs open sea). This Thermal Kelvin Wave draws the upper low (main arctic vortex), traveled along with the Rossby Wave and the main jetstream slowly into Canadian Arctic region due to lower pressure tendency as well. The feature is slow to progress, but the trending is very clear. Which ultimately making the Siberian Vortex much weaker from Mid November to now. 

Added the Land and Ocean temperature percentiles for November under.

Just in my humble opinion...
